Thursday, February 7, 2013

Back from Vacation!

Hello beautiful people!

I'm sorry about being gone for forever and never writing about it. I was actually on a long long vacation starting Christmas! I was holidaying with my husband since Christmas and mid-January, I traveled back home to India. I met my family and had a good time except I got really really sick and I'm still recovering :) Oh well!

I'm sorry for not being able to reply to all those who left messages on my blog. I shall get around to replying to them as soon as possible.

Now that I'm back, here are some things which I missed updating:

I learned to bake sugar cookies for Christmas! :)
I decorated our Christmas tree and both Santas (Ankit and I) left gifts under the tree and inside the stockings :)
Then I left for India during a snowstorm :p
So far, this is it. There are way too many pictures from India which I haven't uploaded yet. But I will get around it eventually. I hope everyone is having a lovely new year. 

Lots of love!